Friday, May 20, 2011

Catching up

I had to make myself sit down and write this morning. I don't want to miss out on the abundance of blessings that come when others join us in prayer.

This last week we finished the Billy Graham Evangelical Association Christian Life and Witness Course. What a wonderful few weeks it has been as both Stephen and I have gone back to the basics of our faith in God, getting to the things that really matter. We were separated from God because of our great sin, and now, by his grace, he has brought us into a personal relationship with him. 
I personally have been learning so much on this journey God has me on. I went through weeks of discouragement being surrounded by so many hurting lives at school. God then opened my eyes to my classmates great need for him. Then he reminded me I can do nothing without him. He loves all these people more than I ever could imagine and desires they leave their hurting lives behind and accept his grace. Now he has me on the journey of praying for their Salvation, as I continue to be renewed in his likeness myself so that I might share the great hope I have in Christ Jesus.
Would you join with me in praying for their salvation?

Tomorrow I start bible study with a group of 5 junior high and high school girls from Hillside. Would you be praying that God would work through me to encourage them on in their faith and spiritual maturity.

Sunday Stephen and I are leading our young marrieds Sunday school class. Would you pray that God would equip Stephen with courage and strength as he teaches on 2 timothy (Jess and Jessi, 2 of Stephen's good friends, are helping him teach).

Lastly, In 3 weeks we are going to be helping lead a "service Sunday" group. Twice a year our church spends our usual Sunday morning time out in the communities of Denver serving in different projects to share the love of Christ. Would you be praying that as we prepare and meet the family our team will be serving, that God's love would abound in our live and flow out into theirs.

With all that is going on, I deeply desire that everything we do would be motivated by the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Would you pray for this also?

Stephen and I are finishing up our last 3 1/2 weeks of school before a fun and busy break. We are so excited to fly to Rolla, Missouri next weekend to celebrate as our good friend T Jeffcoach marries his precious bride! (Bonus: a weekend with our Zerlang parents:)

Thanks for reading and thanks for praying!

Much Love,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Just pictures because I don't have time to write :(

I (we) were totally blessed to have my mom and sister grace visited 2 weekends ago. God seems to bring family around, just at the right time.
 Friday morning (after Stephen left for school), my mom, Grace, and I woke up, made scones, lemon curd, and tea and sat ourselves down on the couch to take the royal wedding on my laptop! What a fun memory! 

 Stephen fired up our new antique grill and made us some amazing bbq chicken on Saturday night.
 Celebrating early mothers day on Sunday night for dinner!
We had a very special special time celebrating mothers day