Friday, December 17, 2010

God's hand of control (and his ways of utter wisdom)

Well, we are closing up the semester. It feels so nice. I am currently in the middle of making double chocolate almond biscotte which my wonderful friend Jenn gave me the recipe for.

In the last 2 days God has taken our hand and walked us through some decisions and developments in such a gentle way so as not to upset our frail, easily wayward, and fearful tenancies. The First is this: Stephen's Subaru has been having issues. Ever since we drove it across the 120 degree desert to bring its to Coloradan it hasn't been cooperative. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving (when all our guests arrived) it wouldn't start, even with a jump. So we took it to a shop about 15-20 min away. When we arrived we noticed that right next door was a Subaru specialized car shop. So we thanked God and went in (hoping the guys next door wouldn't realize that the people that had just called ended up next door). Anyways, to summarize, they discovered many problems with the Sube. For the last month we have been praying, talking, and trying to decide what we should do with the car. Today Stephen took it in again to get a final estimate. The owner was great! Gave us a discount off parts and labor, and is going to take care of the car while we are in CA for Christmas. I don't know how well I laid out this sequence of events, but God's hand has definitely been in every part of it.

Second: A few days ago I got an email. It said that the Denver School of Nursing had canceled pharmacology for the quarter which adds another quarter and 3 more months onto my schooling. I will graduate in September 2012 and my 1st two quarters will only be part time because of the Biola nursing units they are accepting. Although this was hard to hear, God had been preparing me. The day before, I had been going over our budget and the added costs my school is going to bring. So upon receiving this email, instead of being completely devastated, I was ready to hear it, knowing that this would allow me to work more during school, helping ease our budget a little more.

All this to say, God is so good to us. This morning I was reading in Genesis 50 when Joseph tells his brothers "What you meant for evil, God meant for good". There is so much in this statement that impacts so much of how we live and how we face situations.

On a lighter note, we fly back to CA in 3 days! YEAH! We can't wait!

Tonight we are off to a CMDA (Christian Medical and Dental Association) Christmas party at a Doctors house. Really looking forward to it! Its a big gathering with other students from the Denver University Medical and PA school, along with doctors from the community.

Love and Merry Christmas to All!


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