Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentines Weekend

Well here it is Thursday, and I wanted to blog on Monday, but I guess I just never got around to it.
We celebrated Valentines Day all weekend with hanging out watching a movie (date night) on friday. Then Saturday we took off to the mountains and snow shoed and returned to a wonderful dinner out at the brand new famous Daves restaurant about 1/4 mile from our home. Sunday night we had a blast at the Young Married Valentines Dinner (with our young marrieds Sunday school group). So here's some pictures.

We are really enjoying our snow shoes (thanks to all you who generously gave us money for Christmas). Its so great to only pay for gas and get to explore the beautiful mountains. Saturday we did a very small part of the Colorado Trail. It was beautiful!

 I just thought I would share this beauty of a picture with you. Thanks Stephen for taking such a great picture!
 And this is my artsy husband who must have been gifted with every ounce of creativity in our marriage because I don't have squat!
 Artsy. Making our own trail
 We hike through a lot of aspen :)
The awesome young married valentine dinner (We really like these people!). The guys made a fabulous dinner of spegetti, salad and garlic bread and decorated beautifully.
Squished on the couch with Jess and Jenn playing valentines charades (we had to act out the saying on the valentines heart candy).
I am weekly learning so much about ministering through are marriage just by hanging out with our young married group, our leaders, and the rest of the church. We have been so blessed to be a part of a church that is such a family and lives out their love for each other through their actions. I can't really explain all we are learning without sitting down and having a conversation with you. I will finish by saying this: we are learning more about how Christ wanted his body to love each other, and how he wanted them to live. 
We would really appreciate your prayers, that we would continue to learn more about this great Lord we serve and that what we learn would flow from our brains to our hearts and then out our hands (action). I am especially desiring this at school where I am daily surrounded by unbelievers that I am really beginning to love.  Gods love is so great and I haven't had as many opportunities to share it right in my lap before. We are also in the middle of a very busy 6 weeks, and your prayers for strength and expanded time would also be appreciated.
Much love,


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